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Writer's pictureWill Mayo

Step by Step Guide: How to Make BHO

Updated: Sep 30, 2022

First read my other posts before you attempt this because don't you want it to come out perfect? Safety, checklist and acquiring plant matter.

The important thing is to be prepared with EVERYTHING you need and have it right there with you so that when you start you don't have to risk messing it up because got up to get something and took too long getting back. Parts of the process are very time sensitive. If you've ever tried to learn how to do this by watching YouTube videos, then after doing it this way you will see that they all leave out one super critical step. I never found any videos that taught this. And it will make or break your product. I learned from YouTube and the help of friends with tons of experience. So, I'm going combine my text with videos I've made of me blasting bho. Enjoy and as always, my goal is primarily to teach and give back the knowledge freely as it was given to me.

1. Pack your extractor. If you don't know what an extractor is it is a glass tube that resembles a penis pump (click the link above on the word "extractor" and see). They range in size (like penis pumps) but we're going to focus on one that is 2" in diameter by 12" long and roughly hold about 35 grams of packed plant matter: There's not really any way to teach someone how hard to pack it in there. You just have to learn from trial and error. But if you weigh out 35 g's and you can get it to fit in there perfectly so that it is packed up to the open 2" side then you should be okay. BUT you also have to take into account how finely it was chopped up. Running your plant matter through a grinder first would make it too fine. If you're using sugar leaves then after they dry and cure you can put them in a blender/mixer and run it in quick bursts twice. Buds I would cut with scissors so that it's not as fine as you would put in a joint. Just slightly bigger than that. Thats another trial-and-error thing. Make sure you remove the stems.

<This is buds shake which is the correct size

The density of your packed in plant matter is actually very important. If it's too loose the butane will form pocketed areas and it will only travel down one path and not distribute the butane evenly. And if it's too tight pretty much the same problem, uneven distribution. As a rule of thumb, they say after its packed if you put your lips on the "pee hole" side and blow you should be able to feel it on the other side with your hand (I never tried that because... are you picturing that in your mind?). The extractor that I've linked is high quality and under $38. It's 5mm thick glass and will be able to handle the extreme cold you will be subjecting it to without cracking. I've used that exact one many times.

2. After your extractor packed you need to put it in the freezer along with your butane cans. It's important to get your plant materials and your solvents down to the same temperature.

[These are the two things you will need to purchase. (I've used a metal cup with a hole drilled in one side as an extractor but the bho distribution was terrible. I don't recommend this option). And you should never skimp on buying unsafe butane. Sure, they sell Ronson at Ace and Home Depot for under $5 a can but it's very unsafe for your lungs. It coats them in toxic oils. Just because a can says that it's safe to be used with food that doesn't mean it's safe to consume. Never go less that 11 times refined. The best that exists for this is Whip-it 400ml cans 14 times refined. You will need 2 of these cans. The second best is Vector 14 times refined 320ml and you will need 2.5 cans, but you have to obviously buy 3 because they don't sell half cans. You can also "safely" get away with Neon 11 times refined 300ml and you need 2.5 cans, but it has mystery oils in it, and you can for sure taste it. Neon is much cheaper, and they sell it sometimes at local smoke shops. If you are like me, you will start shopping around Amazon for better deals (I've already found you the best deals) and you will definitely come across the 7 times refined Neon for even cheaper. Are you gonna die the first time you try it? I'm not a doctor but I didn't die when I tried it. It was awful though. You will taste the mystery oil chemicals when you cough. Whatever you decide I definitely recommend Amazon and eBay for all of this because it will be the cheapest, most convenient, and most discreet.]

3. Bring everything OUTSIDE with you. (I'm just going to assume you chose the best option and bought whip-it butane). You take one of those natural coffee filters that are tan-ish brown (not white) and fit it over the 2" opening side of the extractor and secure it with the hose clamp (if you bought the one, I suggested, it comes with it) or rubber bands or zip ties. Just make sure its snug and there's no possible way it's going to come off (one of the worst things that can happen is your filter comes off and your plant matter goes into your butane that has already run through). Don't over tighten it though because you can shatter your extractor tube. Then what I do is I get a few rags and some duct tape and wrap them around the extractor tube then tape it all the way around. Just make sure it's not draping below the 2" opening side. You do that because when you're blasting you have to hold the extractor and it gets so cold that it can burn your skin. Thats one way or you can just wear gloves.

4. Outside with you you need to have a glass pyrex baking dish and a metal baking pan that the glass one can fit into, a pitcher of hot af water, a razor blade, a metal dabber rod tool, and have the fan(s) already blowing away from you. Sit Indian style (Chris-cross-applesauce) so that the fan(s) is(are) to your side(s) and the pyrex dish is in front of you. Grab the extract and hover it over the dish with the 2" side facing down, take the butane and put the Nosel into the "pee-hole" of the extractor and push the can and it towards each other. The cans nipple will depress and start to shoot butane into the extractor that is packed with your plant matter and when it goes through it is dripping into the pyrex dish. It gets kind of strenuous but hold it tight till the can is empty and then immediately start adding the second can. Rotate them clockwise and counterclockwise while you're blasting kind of like cyclone but always keeping it facing down so the drips land unobstructed in your dish. This is to aid you in distributing the butane throughout the extractor. After both have been run through hold the second empty can on there still holding a tight seal for an additional 20 seconds (or until it's not dripping out anymore).

5. As soon as you have completed that part carefully start adding the hot water to the metal dish under the glass one. Make sure you don't get any water into the pyrex dish. The butane in there will look mostly clear or amber tinted (unless your plant matter was chopped too fine. Then it will be green, and you can look forward to it tasting terrible) and will be vigorously bubbling. You will see it shrinking rapidly as the butane evaporates off. When it gets so that it stopped making big bubbles and you can tell it has almost all evaporated off take your metal dabber rod (this is the part you won't find anywhere else) and vigorously mix it up by stirring it. This will release even more butane that is trapped and will continue to bubble.

6. Once the bubbling has mostly finished you take the razor blade and scrape it out of the dish and onto a silicone mat or parchment paper. This is what it will look like if you follow my instructions precisely and didn't skip anything.

Once you've completed that task you will have safely preformed a BHO dabs extraction! Congratulations! I sure as hell wouldn't smoke it yet though... Read on, to Purging

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