I've made BHO dabs on different budgets and had great success no matter what as long as I followed a few basic rules.
1. Safety first because if you aren't careful this can result in serious injury, massive damage to your residence, or even death. So, before you start always make sure you have double checked everything. And most importantly make sure everyone in your direct vicinity knows what you are doing (unless they are unsupportive narcs) and you tell them not to come near you, not to light a flame, or spark of any kind. Including turning on a light near you.
2. Having the "must have" equipment: extractor, butane, at least one fan, duct tape, double boiler pans, Pyrex baking dish, a metal scaping rod, a razor blade, parchment paper, and flower or trim.
3. Having the "not as critical" equipment: vacuum purge, heat pad, temperature gauge, heat gun, and silicone pad.
4. Always try to learn as much as you can so you can improve your quality/yield. For example, let's say you decide that you are going to chop your plant material super fine because you think the butane is going to be more equally distributed while you're blasting (I thought that and tried it once). Yes, that is true but too much chlorophyll gets extracted as well and it comes out super green colored and tastes terrible.